Valentines day is around the corner. We like staying in and having a quiet dinner. If that is your plan this year, this dessert is extra special. It is rich, decadent and share worthy! INGREDIENTS CRUST 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour 1/2 cup cocoa powder 1/4 tsp...

When fall hits, I start thinking about those big family dinners coming up. Beef tenderloin never fails to impress, it is juicy and tender, just the way I like it. INGREDIENTS 1 cup GHOSTWOOD 1 cup brown sugar 2/3 cup soy sauce 1 bunch cilantro, leaves...

This is a wonderful addition to your holiday dessert buffet. It is dense and moist. It will not disappoint. INGREDIENTS 3 cups all purpose flour Pinch of salt 1 c butter, softened 8 ounces cream cheese, softened 2 c granulated sugar 1 c light brown sugar 4...

When the boys were young, dirt cake was all the rage. I can’t tell you how many of those things I made, gummy worms and all! This is an adult version of that popular recipe. This calls for espresso. If you don’t have an espresso machine...

We had some nasty winter weather pass through last week. We were hunkered down for several days waiting for the ice to melt. When the weather is like that, I head to the kitchen and see what can be created. These layer bars are so...

This GHOSTWOOD fudge is a great addition to your sweets tray at Christmas. It is also a great gift to a chocolate lover! The GHOSTWOOD adds a unique mellow flavor to all that rich chocolate. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas! INGREDIENTS 10 ounces milk...

The wind has been howling today, and the temperature really dropped overnight. It is the time of year that you need to be warmed from the inside out. That’s where GHOSTWOOD comes in handy! I love coming in from the cold and having a good bowl...