I have heard quite a few people bringing up snickerdoodles lately. I love them, so when I discovered a version of this bread, I had to rework it with GHOSTWOOD. It is great in the morning with coffee, or as an afternoon snack! INGREDIENTS 3 cups...

When the boys were young, dirt cake was all the rage. I can’t tell you how many of those things I made, gummy worms and all! This is an adult version of that popular recipe. This calls for espresso. If you don’t have an espresso machine...

We had some nasty winter weather pass through last week. We were hunkered down for several days waiting for the ice to melt. When the weather is like that, I head to the kitchen and see what can be created. These layer bars are so...

This delicious recipe is addictive, not too sweet and oh, so worth it. It tastes the best with a sip of Ghostwood followed by a bite of crack.  For chocolate lovers, melt some dark chocolate and drizzle over the crackers while still in the pan.  You...