This is a delicious sauce for that steak on Fathers Day! We had it over a ribeye and was it ever good. We used about 2 tablespoons of the sauce on the steak. That way you get the great taste of the steak accented with...

When fall hits, I start thinking about those big family dinners coming up. Beef tenderloin never fails to impress, it is juicy and tender, just the way I like it. INGREDIENTS 1 cup GHOSTWOOD 1 cup brown sugar 2/3 cup soy sauce 1 bunch cilantro, leaves...

The wind has been howling today, and the temperature really dropped overnight. It is the time of year that you need to be warmed from the inside out. That’s where GHOSTWOOD comes in handy! I love coming in from the cold and having a good bowl...

You will need so many napkins.  These wings are amazingly awesome! Happy Eating! - Jan INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup Ghostwood bourbon 2 lbs chicken wings 1 tbsp butter 2 tbsp finely chopped onion 3/4 c maple syrup, grade A 2 tbsp tomato paste Sprig fresh rosemary, or...